

Intellectual Property Rights

Know which Intellectual Property Rights (protects) your work rightly

Intellectual Property is the most valuable asset to any organization. By referring to Intellectual Property, it means the creation of some intangible asset with respect to business and its operations. Intellectual Property is the creation of the mind, which can be protected under respective Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Law. IPR primarily encompasses Trade Marks, Copyrights, and Patents apart from Designs, Geographical Indication, etc. Each category of IPR protects or covers a different group of properties and work. Therefore choosing a right category is required to safeguard your work and business property.


Trademark represents the brand value or goodwill of the business. It covers a brand name, logo, symbol, device, numerals or a combination of both that can be represented graphically.


Patent registration grants a right to inventor(s) to stop others from dealing into their inventions. The inventor can protect the invention through provisional and permanent registration.


Copyright is an absolute and assignable right granted to the creator of the original works. It protects works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works.

Enhance and protect your brand value with Trademark

Trademark Registration Application

Registration of a trademark is important not only to enhance the brand value but also to protect the same. Trademark Registration Application is the first step to get exclusive rights over your brand name.

Trademark Objection Reply

After the application, the trademark passed through various stages, where the Registry examined the mark. If the TM registry issues an examination report, it is important to respond with your grounds to protect the trademark.

Trademark Opposition

Did you find someone applying a quite similar trademark to yours? Yes, you can file an opposition to such an applicant, which is said to be a trademark opposition. File the trademark opposition to save your exclusivity.

Trademark Assignment

With trademark assignment, you can transfer the ownership or partial right to use your trademark to a third party. Encash your brand value and reap economic benefits from trademark assignment.

Trademark Renewal

Trademark registration is granted for a specific term, i.e., 10 years from its application. The renewal of the trademark is necessary to continue enjoying your ownership rights over it. Renew your trademark before it expires.

Secure your exclusive inventor rights with Patent registration

Patent Search

Patentability search is a method used to look out for existing patents and other prior arts that are similar to or close to the invention applied for. Know about the patent availability with a search by a patent attorney.

Provisional Patent

A provisional patent is filed to secure the filing date when your invention is under process. It is filled with a detailed description of the invention and drawings to help explain the invention. This is filed prior to filing the complete specification.

Permanent Patent

Referred to as a permanent patent colloquially, a complete specification filing is a registration application for the patent. The application is filed by describing the invention to its full extent, including the method of practicing the invention.

Give a legal backing and obtain creator’s right of your copyright

Copyright Registration

The acquisition of copyright is automatic and does not require any formality. However, registration serves as prima facie evidence in a court of law with reference to dispute relating to ownership of copyright.


Intellectual property is the intangible property that is the result of creativity and intellect. IPR is the rights that secure and protect these intangible assets through different modes of IP protection like patents, copyright, trademark, industrial designs, geographical indications, the layout design of integrated circuits, undisclosed information (trade secrets) and new plant varieties.

A trademark is assigned to a word or logo to secure one’s brand, and copyright grants you protection for your original creative content, such as books, music, videos, songs, or even software. The patent is for securing new inventions and inventive processes that are novel, have some utility, and are inventive steps.

There are no mandatory requirements for businesses to register under IPR law. However, the registration grants the owner exclusive rights over their properties and legal protection by stopping others from using it without the owner’s approval. This is the main reason to obtain registration under intellectual property law.

Once they have obtained the registration, the owners can assign (transfer) the right to use the trademark, copyrighted content, or patent. The assignment can be absolute or partial and can be limited to a specified term.

No, registrations of Company Names, Business Names or Domain Names are not similar to trademark registration as they don’t secure your trademark or brand name from public use. Trademark registration gives the exclusive right to the trademark owner to exclude anyone else from using the same or similar brand name.

A patentee must draft all the details about the patent in a document, so once the patent expires, the public can use it and benefit from it. And also use it with the patent holder’s permission when it is still secured. The most essential requirement for obtaining a patent is disclosure of the invention.

The copyright can be transferred in the following way:
1) for the entire world or for a specific country or territory; or
2) for the full term of copyright or part thereof; or
3) relating to all the rights comprising the copyright or only part of such rights.

The term of the patent is counted from the date when the patent application is filed. If the provisional application is filed, it becomes the filing date, but if a complete specification is filed first, it becomes the filing date.

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